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The Filter Brew Bundle [WHOLEBEAN]
The Filter Brew Bundle [WHOLEBEAN]

The Filter Brew Bundle [WHOLEBEAN]

1 115 SEK
1 392 SEK


The 8 filter brew coffees of your dreams, and in our most drool-inducing packaging. The perfect gift for someone who wants to get to know Lykke, or yourself, because you deserve a gift too, my friend. This is a great way to try our coffee at a nice price and find a new favourite. 

This bundle contains whole bean coffee.


In this bundle:

Malin of Hökarängen 500 g

Happiness 500 g

Darkness 500 g

Ugly Cute 500 g

Snövatten 250 g

Big Monday 250 g 

Oj 250g

Ufo 250g

Original price 1,392.00 SEK. Save 20%.


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