Head Roaster Message:
"Malin is a crowd-pleaser. Not too heavy, not too light, just snuggly balanced in the middle like Goldilocks. Here we've taken a similar blend to our favourite brew Happiness and tweaked the roast profile for even more depth and power"

Roast process
When we created Malin, we did so for those of you that like a full-flavored coffee and that want to support the Lykke project, but not drink a light roast. You aren't the picky kind, but you like good things, lagom things.

What's in the blend?
Malin contains coffee from our own and our neighbors' farms in Brazil and Peru. The exact contents vary with the seasons.

Is it wholebean?
Please choose if you whant ground or wholebean in the drop down menu.

"Malin is a crowd-pleaser. Not too heavy, not too light, just snuggly balanced in the middle like Goldilocks. Here we've taken a similar blend to our favourite brew Happiness and tweaked the roast profile for even more depth and power"
When we created Malin, we did so for those of you that like a full-flavored coffee and that want to support the Lykke project, but not drink a light roast. You aren't the picky kind, but you like good things, lagom things.
Malin contains coffee from our own and our neighbors' farms in Brazil and Peru. The exact contents vary with the seasons.
Please choose if you whant ground or wholebean in the drop down menu.

Lagom (pronounced [ˈlɑ̂ːɡɔm], LAW-gom) is a Swedish word meaning "just the right amount" or "not too much, not too little".
Visit our brewguides for the best how-to-brew:
- Region: Agua de Nieve, Monombamba
- Altitude: 1800-2000 m
- Variety: Typica, Bourbon & Caturra
- Process: The coffee cherries are peeled of pulp and left to rest in their sugar mucilage for 24-36 h. During the rest, the sugar is dissolved during a fermentation process. Kind of like in regular sourdough fermentation. After that, the berries are washed in fresh spring water before they are dried slowly.

- Region: Espírito Santo
- Altitude: 900-1500 m
- Variety: Red and yellow Catuai
- Process: Natural

Why coffee from Lykke?

Grown in harmony with people and planet - without middle persons.

Perfectly roasted coffee, with the taste of origin, terroir and process of the coffee.

Cultivating Happiness
We aim that nothing and no one will be harmed when you enjoy a good cup of coffee!
Within the coffee industry there is a multitude of certifications to be found. All with varying levels and criteria’s for farmers to comply with.
For us, organic is about much more than a seal on a coffee bag. And through our business model our aim is to achieve greater impact.
Read the full story in our Sustainability Report.
Traditionally robusta has the reputation of being of inferior quality. And comparing it to the Arabica beans, it sure presents a much rougher flavour profile. With ongoing climate change, robusta will have to play a bigger role in the future, as it can withstand tougher conditions. So we simply want to see how good we can make it and at the same time cater to the espresso drinker that doesn't appreciate coffee being fruity and full of acidity.
If you want to know more about robusta, you can read our sustainability report here: Sustainability Journey
Our consumer coffee bags are 100% compostable, made up of paper and starch from leftover scraps of corn and sugar. They are also printed with environmentally friendly ink.
(If it is not composted in an active compost they can be recycled as paper)
This is becouse thay are espresso and are not suited for filter coffee. If you still whant to try them as filter coffee we suggest our grinder that you can find here:
Fellow Opus Conical Burr Grinder
Once you have found the coffee, tea and accessories that you need. Click subscribe and save 10%.
Next step is to choose how often you want your fresh roasted coffee delivered to your door.
Once all is selected we will ship it directly to you.
If you have chosen Lykke Coffee Club the coffee subscritpion is sent out on the 7th of every month.
We ship internationally with DHL and Postnord for Sweden.
We ship to most places within the EU and the USA. If you don't see your country in the list—send us an email and we will look into adding it.
Click here for full shipping details: SHIPPING